Install the Hysplit model into the computer
Install TCL:
Install HYSPLIT:
Using TCL to open HYSPLIT
Using R codes to run HYSPLIT
library (openair)
setwd(dataDir) ### Set the working directory
hy.path<-"c:\\hysplit4\\" ### Install the Hysplit model into the computer
read.files <- function(hours = 96, hy.path) {
## find tdump files
files <- Sys.glob("tdump*")
output <- file('Rcombined.txt', 'w')
## read through them all, ignoring 1st 7 lines
for (i in files){
input <- readLines(i)
input <- input[-c(1:7)] # delete header
writeLines(input, output)
traj <- read.table(paste0(hy.path, "working\\Rcombined.txt"), header = FALSE)
traj <- subset(traj, select = -c(V2, V7, V8))
traj <- rename(traj, c(V1 = "receptor", V3 = "year", V4 = "month", V5 = "day",
V6 = "hour", V9 = "", V10 = "lat", V11 = "lon",
V12 = "height", V13 = "pressure"))
## hysplit uses 2-digit years ...
year <- traj$year[1]
if (year < 50) traj$year <- traj$year + 2000 else traj$year <- traj$year + 1900
traj$date2 <- with(traj, ISOdatetime(year, month, day, hour, min = 0, sec = 0,
tz = "GMT"))
## arrival time
traj$date <- traj$date2 - 3600 * traj$
add.met <- function(month, Year, met, bat.file) {
## if month is one, need previous year and month = 12
if (month == 0) {
month <- 12
Year <- as.numeric(Year) - 1
if (month < 10) month <- paste("0", month, sep = "")
## add first line
write.table(paste("echo", met, " >>CONTROL"),
bat.file, col.names = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)
x <- paste("echo RP", Year, month, ".gbl >>CONTROL", sep = "")
write.table(x, bat.file, col.names = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)
procTraj <- function(lat = 48.9, lon = 2.2, year = 2019, name = "paris",
met = "D:\\Hysplit\\TrajData\\", out = "D:\\Hysplit\\TrajProc\\",
hours = 24, height = 100, hy.path = "C:\\hysplit4\\") {
## hours is the back trajectory time e.g. 96 = 4-day back trajectory
## height is start height (m)
lapply(c("openair", "plyr", "reshape2"), require, character.only = TRUE)
## function to run 12 months of trajectories
## assumes 96 hour back trajectories, 1 receptor
setwd(paste0(hy.path, "working\\"))
## remove existing "tdump" files
path.files <- paste0(hy.path, "working\\")
bat.file <- paste0(hy.path, "working\\test.bat") ## name of BAT file to add to/run
files <- list.files(path = path.files, pattern = "tdump")
lapply(files, function(x) file.remove(x))
start <- paste(year, "-01-01", sep = "")
end <- paste(year, "-12-31 23:00", sep = "")
dates <- seq(as.POSIXct(start, "GMT"), as.POSIXct(end, "GMT"), by = "1 hour")
for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
year <- format(dates[i], "%y")
Year <- format(dates[i], "%Y") # long format
month <- format(dates[i], "%m")
day <- format(dates[i], "%d")
hour <- format(dates[i], "%H")
x <- paste("echo", year, month, day, hour, " >CONTROL")
write.table(x, bat.file, col.names = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
x <- "echo 1 >>CONTROL"
write.table(x, bat.file, col.names = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)
x <- paste("echo", lat, lon, height, " >>CONTROL")
write.table(x, bat.file, col.names = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)
x <- paste("echo ", "-", hours, " >>CONTROL", sep = "")
write.table(x, bat.file, col.names = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)
x <- "echo 0 >>CONTROL
echo 10000.0 >>CONTROL
echo 3 >>CONTROL"
write.table(x, bat.file, col.names = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)
## processing always assumes 3 months of met for consistent tdump files
months <- as.numeric(unique(format(dates[i], "%m")))
months <- c(months, months + 1:2)
months <- months - 1 ## to make sure we get the start of the previous year
months <- months[months <= 12]
if (length(months) == 2) months <- c(min(months) - 1, months)
for (i in 1:3)
add.met(months[i], year, met, bat.file)
x <- "echo ./ >>CONTROL"
write.table(x, bat.file, col.names = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)
x <- paste("echo tdump", year, month, day, hour, " >>CONTROL", sep = "")
write.table(x, bat.file, col.names = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)
x <- "C:\\hysplit4\\exec\\hyts_std"
write.table(x, bat.file, col.names = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)
## run the file
system(paste0(hy.path, 'working\\test.bat'))
## combine files and make data frame
traj <- read.files(hours, hy.path)
## write R object to file <- paste(out, name, Year, ".RData", sep = "")
save(traj, file =
for (i in 2009:2020) { ### Change the date in
procTraj(lat = 51.5, lon = -0.2, year = i,
name = "London", hours = 72,height = 100,
met = "D:\\Hysplit\\TrajData\\", out = "D:\\Hysplit\\TrajProc\\",
hy.path = "C:\\hysplit4\\") }